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The Evolution of the Network Model

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Interlaw featured in an article in The Lawyer on 22nd September, examining the ‘Top 5 Predictions for the Future of Law Firm Networks’. Michael Siebold joined a panel to share his thoughts on how the network model will evolve.

The first prediction for debate was: “all growing international firms will adopt the law firm network model (to some degree) to manage their global business from now on.” Michael Siebold was quick to highlight how “already, the waters are getting muddied in terms of large firms adopting the network model and it’s a trend that will only grow”. However, he drew the important distinction between international firms setting up networks to manage their conflicts and genuinely collaborative networks who are focussed on delivering a “more personal, efficient and effective client service.”

The article also explored predictions around the strategic importance of technology, increased collaboration between member firms and the emergence of dominant networks. It concluded with an open question to the panel on the factors shaping the future of networks. Michael Siebold explained how the next generation of general counsel would be increasingly embracing of new ways of doing things, citing how “disruptive technology will transform how members work together across borders and time zones.”

Pictured: Interlaw Chair, Michael Siebold