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Interlaw Boosts Real Estate Coverage in Brazil with Partner Hire
Manucci Advogados, Interlaw's strategic partner in Belo Horizonte, Brazil has strengthened its real estate practice with the hire of partner Mara Carolina Almeida Rabelo.
Ms Almeida Rabelo was previously an associate at a leading Brazilian firm and prior to that was legal manager of two of the largest Brazilian developers and building companies.
Manucci Advogados' work in this area includes the structuring of real estate deals, property acquisitions, structuring of real estate guarantees, regularization of rural and urban properties, establishing the condominium, drawing up the condominium convention, residential and commercial real estate development.
In addition, Manucci Advogados combines its knowledge of real estate with financial, corporate and M&A law, for the structuring of securitization of receivables, debentures and constitution of real estate investment funds.