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Interlaw’s Singapore Firm Advises on Major Energy Sector Deal
Interlaw’s partner firm in Singapore, CNPLaw LLP, has advised Energy Drilling Pte. Ltd. (EDrill), a Singapore-based tender drilling rig specialist, on the equity investment from Pioneer Logistics Holdings Pte. Ltd. (Pioneer), a Singapore-based maritime company.
The equity investment from Pioneer, pursuant to the Shares Subscription Agreement (SSA), allows EDrill, together with increased support from EDrill’s banking group and cash from its balance sheet, to raise the funds required to purchase three tender rigs.
Mr Marcus Chew, CEO of EDrill, commented: “This capital injection by Pioneer allows us to double the size of fleet upon completion and will further strengthen our position in the market and open new possibilities for innovation and expansion. I would like to convey my personal thanks to the CNP team for the excellent work done!”
The CNPLaw team comprised of partner, Ken Chia, associate Lai Zheng Yong and paralegal, Serena Devi.